A participant in the Navy V-12 program, Charles E. Littlejohn graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1944 with a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering. His papers primarily include correspondence documenting his time at Georgia Tech.
(one half-sized document case)
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The Charles E. Littlejohn papers are composed almost exclusively of correspondence written by Littlejohn to his mother, Dezzie Littlejohn. Letters from January through June 17, 1943 were written from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where Littlejohn attended the University of Alabama. The subjects of these letters are fairly routine, focusing on his schoolwork, activities, and finances. Some of the letters were written to both his mother and "Bud" Littlejohn, who was most likely his brother James.
The first letter written from Georgia Tech is dated July 3, 1943. The early letters written from Atlanta provide descriptions of his activities and impressions of the city and the campus. Of particular note are letters dated July 13, 1943, in which he mentions going to Grant Park and the Cyclorama, and July 15, 1943, comparing the academic standards of Alabama and Georgia Tech. All of the letters provide an excellent overview of the experiences of a student/soldier in Atlanta during World War II.
Scattered... throughout the correspondence are infrequent letters from James Littlejohn to Charles or Dezzie, as well as a few letters from other family members and friends to Charles Littlejohn. An invitation to the 1944 commencement activities, commencement program, and other commencement ephemera are located in the last folder.
Charles E. Littlejohn, a native of Jemison, Alabama, attended the University of Alabama, where he studied aeronautical engineering. In July 1943, when his naval unit was called into active duty, he entered Georgia Tech for two sixteen-week terms as part of the Navy V-12 program. He transferred his academic credits to Tech and accelerated his coursework so that he could earn his degree at Tech.
After his commencement on June 26, 1944, Littlejohn went to Asbury Park, New Jersey for midshipman school. Following the completion of his midshipman course, he worked on aircraft carriers as a powerplant specialist at the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida, where he spent the remainder of the war. Later in life, Littlejohn worked as a sales engineer and in aircraft sales for Lockheed Aircraft Corporation and began a research and development company, Cascade Industries, Inc., and he lived in Atlanta.
The correspondence is arranged chronologically. Graduation materials are arranged following the correspondence.
A print copy of this finding aid is available in the Georgia Tech Archives reading room.
Charles E. Littlejohn donated these papers on March 14, 1995 (Accession #1995.0803; old number: 95-08-03).
(one half-sized document case)
Susan J. Illis processed these papers in 2000.
Part of the Archives and Special Collections, Library, Georgia Institute of Technology Repository