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ANAK Society Records

Identifier: MS156

  • Staff Only


Founded on January 1, 1908, The ANAK Society is the oldest and most prestigious honorary society at Georgia Tech. These records include programs, invitations, and directories relating to the ANAK Society.


  • 1948-2018


General Physical Description note

(one document case)

Restrictions: Access


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research. Portions of the collection are restricted.

Restrictions: Use

Permission to publish materials from this collection must be obtained from the Head of Archives and Special Collections.


3.1 Linear Feet (4 hollinger boxes and 1 legal size box)

Scope and Contents

The ANAK Society records include programs, invitations, and directories relating to the ANAK Society.

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Administrative History of The ANAK Society

Founded on January 1, 1908 by four seniors, The ANAK Society is the oldest honorary society at Georgia Tech. The founding members of the society were George W. McCarty, C. H. Baughn, Lewis E. Goodier, andCharles A. Sweet, all of whom served as officers of the fledgling organization. The other charter members were G. A. Hendrie, C. A. Adamson, S. J. Hargrove, J. E. Davenport, L. W. "Chip" Robert, W. R. Snyder, Cherry L. Emerson, andG. W. Holmes Cheney.

The ANAK Society has always been active in any movement leading to the advancement of Georgia Tech community and has initiated many of the most important activities on the Tech campus. ANAK is a junior and senior society with members selected based on demonstration of both leadership abilities and an interest in Georgia Tech. The activities of ANAK are secret, and membership is considered the highest honor a student can achieve at Georgia Tech.

Other Finding Aids

A print copy of this finding aid is available in the Georgia Tech Archives reading room.


Accession #2001.091.

General Physical Description note

(one document case)

Processing Information

Jody Lloyd Thompson processed these papers in 2002.

Inventory of The ANAK Society (Georgia Institute of Technology) Records, 1948-1983
Jody Lloyd Thompson, Alex McGee
Copyright 2002.
Description rules
Finding Aid Updated Using Rlg Best Practice Guidelines For Encoded Archival Description
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Archives and Special Collections, Library, Georgia Institute of Technology Repository

Georgia Institute of Technology
266 4th Street, NW
Atlanta 30332-0900 USA