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Doug C. Allen Papers

Identifier: DM010

  • Staff Only


Douglas C. Allen was a former professor of Georgia Tech’s School of Architecture where he worked for 37 years. A specialist in landscape architecture, Allen also participated in several architectural projects in the United States and abroad through various architecture firms. His papers include course materials from his years at Harvard and at Georgia Tech, research and teaching records, documents from his contributions at the architecture firms, and a number of reports about landscape architecture and design.


  • 1968-2010

Restrictions: access

Restrictions apply, see item listing for details

Files with partial or full restrictions

  1. History of Urban Form, Final Exam Essays

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish materials from this collection must be obtained from the Head of Special Collections and Archives.


9.2 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents

The Doug C. Allen papers are composed of a very small number of personal documents, teaching and research materials, several reports on the field of Architecture, and documents related to Allen’s architectural firms.

SERIES 1 – Biographical and Personal 1987-2000 Very small number of personal documents, such as teaching records and report on activities

SERIES 2 – Lecture and Research: Georgia Tech and Harvard 1968-2009 This series contains course materials (readings, syllabus, notes, essays, conference notes, reading lists) from a series of courses in Architecture and History at Harvard University and Georgia Tech. The series also contains copies of journals in the area of architecture and history and materials regarding the Georgia Tech Rome and Florence Tour done in 1999.

SERIES 3 – Reports 1935-2005 This series is composed of a range of reports about architecture design, architecture projects, landscape, and recreation. The series contains a significant number of regional studies in diverse areas but mainly in Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. Important reports included in the series are: Georgia Recreation Planning Process (1977), the National Urban Recreation Study (1978), and The Interaction Between Urbanization and Land.

SERIES 4 – Architecture Firm 1977-2010 This series contains general documents of Allen’s activities in his architectural firms (ERLA Associates, ASLA certified Landscape Architect, The Research group, Allen/Le Blan Architecture Firm). It contains, project proposals and projects’ final reports, sketches, plans, contract information, and other documents. Important projects include the Veterans’ Memorial Park in Smyrna, GA.

SERIES 5 - Artifacts, 2013; undated This series contains architectual drafting tools and implements used by Doug Allen over the course of his business and teaching endeavors. Awards and accolades are also contained in this artifact series.

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Biography of Doug C. Allen (1947-2014)

Douglas C. Allen was an architect professor and researcher at Georgia Tech’s School of Architecture from 1977 until his death in 2014. He was born in 1947 in Atlanta where he lived until he went to college, in North Carolina. He attended North Carolina State University and University of Georgia, where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture. He was a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. After graduating, he worked for Designer’s Collaborative in Athens and then to William H. Laubmann and Associates in Atlanta, in Georgia. He participated in the development of the Chattahoochee Corridor Study for the Atlanta Regional Commission until 1973. This work led to the designation of the Chattahoochee as a National Recreational Area. He attended Harvard University from 1974 to 1976 where he earned a Master of Landscape Architecture. Allen was awarded the American Society for Landscape Architecture’s Certificate of honor for excellence in the study of landscape architecture while in that institution. After graduation, he became a professor at the College of Architecture at Georgia Tech, where he stayed until his death in 2014. For a brief period (1987-1988) he taught landscape architecture at Harvard University as a visiting professor. Allen also served administrative functions at Georgia Tech. From 2002 to 2011 he served as associate dean for academic affairs, interim dean, and senior associate dean. After 2011, he returned to teaching on a part-time basis. While at Georgia Tech, he co-founded the study abroad program in Italy which he led for over 20 years. Allen was also active in landscape architecture through his work in architecture firms. For 40 years, he designed and planned commercial, residential, and institutional projects for public and private clients in the United States and abroad. Allen’s research had a significant impact in the field of landscape architecture, in particular, to the study of cities and the urban landscape. He was an active member of the academic community having published articles and books, served on juries and lectured all over the United States. He was also a member of the editorial board of Places journal for several years. Allen was awarded several prizes and elected important positions in the field of architecture. He was a member of the Council of Fellows of the American Society of Landscape Architects; he won the Georgia Tech’s ANAK award in 2006, the University of Georgia Distinguishing Alumni Medal, and he was honored by an endowed lecture in his name at Georgia Tech, the Douglas C. Allen’s Lecture.


These papers are arranged in four series:

SERIES 1 – Biographical and Personal 1987-2000 SERIES 2 – Lecture and Research: Georgia Tech and Harvard 1968-2009 SERIES 3 – Reports 1935-2005 SERIES 4 – Architecture Firm 1977-2010 SERIES 5 - Artifacts, 2013; undated

Each series is arranged alphabetically by folder title within each series.

Other Finding Aids

A print copy of this finding aid is available in the Georgia Tech Archives reading room.


Doug C. Allen Institute

Related Materials

College of Architecture records – UA371 P. M. Heffernan papers – DM003 Benjamin Hirsch and Associates, Inc. Records – DM009

Processing Information

Amanda Domingues processed these papers in 2018.

Amanda Domingues
Copyright May 2018
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Repository Details

Part of the Archives and Special Collections, Library, Georgia Institute of Technology Repository

Georgia Institute of Technology
266 4th Street, NW
Atlanta 30332-0900 USA