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Asimov's Science Fiction

Identifier: PN6120.95.S33 I84

  • Staff Only


Asimov's Science Fiction was a science fiction periodical that has run since 1977. It was originally edited by George Scithers with Asimov instead writing editorial pieces and replying to fans. This collection contains issues ranging from 1978 to 2016, though the reader should note that the collection may not be complete. Originally named Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine


  • 1977-2016

Language of Materials

These materials are in English.

Conditions Governing Access

These materials have unrestricted access.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish materials from this collection must be obtained from the Head of Archives and Special Collections.


5.25 Linear Feet (This collection is 5.25 linear feet. )

Scope and Contents

Georgia Tech Archives and Special Collections holds issues of the magazine published between 1978-2016. It may not be a complete run of the publication.

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Biographical / Historical

Begun in 1977, was a serial science fiction magazine that attempted to profit off of Asimov's fame in the science fiction community. Asmiov was offered a postion as the editor, but turned it down in favor of only writing and answering letters. Because of the magazine's light hearted and less complex stories, as well as their encouragement of fan interaction, Asimov's Science Fiction captured the youth audience that had been falling out of touch with other scifi magazines. Despite being fairly young in comparison to well established magainzes, Asimov's Science Fiction was very successful and could compete with even the most well known periodicals. Asimov himself continued his involement with the magazine until he passed in 1992. The magazine continues today, following a bimonthly publishing schedule. The History of the Science-fiction Magazine Series by Michael Ashley and the Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazine Index: 1890-2006+ by Stephen T. Miller and William G. Contento was used to gather historical information about this publication.


Volume are arranged chronologically.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Materials for collections donated Bud Foote, Lewis Murphy, William Scheick, Richard Erlich, Miami University (Oxford, OH), Joseph Geierman, Dan Miller, Alex Gutierrez, Atlanta Science Fiction Society, and Paul Goans.

Processing Information

Materials were processed by Jocelyn Jagrowski in March 2020.

Inventory of Asimov's Science Fiction
Jocelyn Jagrowski
Copyright March 2020
Description rules
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Repository Details

Part of the Archives and Special Collections, Library, Georgia Institute of Technology Repository

Georgia Institute of Technology
266 4th Street, NW
Atlanta 30332-0900 USA