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The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction

Identifier: AP2 .M2344

  • Staff Only


The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction was begun in 1949 under the editors Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas. This collection contains issues ranging from 1950 to 1987, though the reader should note that the collection may not be complete.


  • 1950 - 2009

Language of Materials

These materials are in English.

Conditions Governing Access

These materials have unrestricted access.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish materials from this collection must be obtained from the Head of Archives and Special Collections.


3.6 Linear Feet (The extent for this collection is 3.6 linear feet.)

Scope and Contents

Georgia Tech Archives and Special Collections holds issues of the magazine published between 1950-1987. It may not be a complete run of the publication.

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Biographical / Historical

Begun in 1949, shortly after the conclusion of World War 2, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction quickly garnered a repuation for respecatbilty both for itself and the genre as a whole. It became known for the high quality stories it produced. It, like many other scifi magazines, saw decline in popularity in the 1990s, but is still active to the date of this description. The History of the Science-fiction Magazine Series by Michael Ashley and the Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazine Index: 1890-2006+ by Stephen T. Miller and William G. Contento was used to gather historical information about this publication. The History of the Science-fiction Magazine Series by Michael Ashley and the Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazine Index: 1890-2006+ by Stephen T. Miller and William G. Contento was used to gather historical information about this publication.


These materials are arranged chronologically.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Materials for this collection were donated in part by Bud Foote, the Atlanta Science Fiction Society, Henry Kerr, Jerrie Adkins, Lewis Murphy, M. L. Ourster, William Scheick, Bart Hacker and the University of Michigan.

Processing Information

These materials were processed by Jocelyn Jagrowski in March 2020.

Inventory of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Jocelyn Jagrowski
March 2020
Description rules
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Repository Details

Part of the Archives and Special Collections, Library, Georgia Institute of Technology Repository

Georgia Institute of Technology
266 4th Street, NW
Atlanta 30332-0900 USA