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Georgia Tech Alumni Association--Women's Committee Records

Identifier: UA303

  • Staff Only


The Women's Committee of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association (GTAA) was formed in 1984 to encourage the participation and involvement of women alumnae in annual giving and in alumni activities. The collection consists of two scrapbooks, articles, publicity, and correspondence relating to the committee's activities and events.


  • 1983-1993


General Physical Description note

(1 half-size document case, 1 oversize box)

Restrictions: Access


Restrictions: Use

Permission to publish materials from this collection must be obtained from the Head of Archives and Special Collections.


1.2 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents

This collection primarily consists of two scrapbooks containing correspondence, newsletters, membership lists, newspaper clippings and publicity, and photographs relating to the activities and events of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association Women's Committee. A separate folder contains publicity materials, invitations, and correspondence for a third scrapbook that was planned but apparently never completed.

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Administrative History of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association--Women's Committee

The Women's Committee of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association (GTAA) was formed in 1984. Shirley Mewborn, a 1956 graduate in Electrical Engineering and one of the first two women to graduate from Tech, served as the group's first chair. The committee, which during its first year consisted of 12 women alumnae as well as faculty and staff volunteers, held its first meeting on January 13, 1984, with the stated purpose of promoting Georgia Tech women alumnae participation and involvement in Alumni Association activities and giving to the Annual Roll Call. To this end, the group held two telefunds, held a cocktail party for women alumnae, and sponsored a career seminar for women students during the first year. Later, the committee also sponsored scholarships for women students, public affairs presentations, programs on professional development for women, a series of teas for graduating senior women and their mothers, and social events for women students and alumnae.

During the mid 1980s, the group was sometimes known as the Women's Affairs Committee of the GTAA. By 1991, the committee had become a constituency group called the Women's Issues Network. The group continued to foster support for women students and worked to increase high school women's interest in engineering and science.


The scrapbooks and scrapbook materials are arranged chronologically. The majority of the scrapbook pages are available in photocopies; the original scrapbook pages have been retained in an oversize box.

Other Finding Aids

A print copy of this finding aid is available in the Georgia Tech Archives reading room.


Provenance unknown; obtained in approximately May 2000 (accession #2006.197). This collection has been separated from accession #2000.031 (part of the Georgia Tech Faculty Women's Club Records UA301).

Separated Material

Three artifacts, Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket bumper stickers, have been removed to the artifacts collection.

General Physical Description note

(1 half-size document case, 1 oversize box)

Processing Information

Christine de Catanzaro processed these records in June 2006.

Inventory of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association--Women's Committee Records, 1983-1993
Christine de Catanzaro
Copyright 2006.
Description rules
Finding Aid Prepared Using Rlg Best Practice Guidelines For Encoded Archival Description
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Archives and Special Collections, Library, Georgia Institute of Technology Repository

Georgia Institute of Technology
266 4th Street, NW
Atlanta 30332-0900 USA