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Edwin H. Smith, Sr. Papers

Identifier: MS391

  • Staff Only


This collection contains a Georgia Tech physics laboratory manual, graduation programs from the Class of 1947, and class reunion materials from the 1939-1940 freshman co-op class at Tech.


  • 1939-1996 (bulk dates 1939-1947)


General Physical Description

(six legal-size folders)

Restrictions: Access


Restrictions: Use

Permission to publish materials from this collection must be obtained from the Head of Archives and Special Collections.


0.15 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents

This collection contains a Georgia Tech physics laboratory manual, a report card from Boys High School in Atlanta, commencement programs from the class of 1947 from the Georgia School of Technology, and class reunion materials for the 1939-1940 freshman co-op class at Tech.

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Biography of Edwin H. Smith

Edwin Houston Smith, Sr. was born in Charlotte, North Carolina on March 9, 1921 to Wilbur Wallace Smith and Agnes Buchanan Smith. He later moved to Paris, Tennessee and then Atlanta with his family, and graduated from Boys High School (now Henry W. Grady High School) in 1940.

Smith enrolled at the Georgia School (now Institute) of Technology as a co-op student in Electrical Engineering. While at Georgia Tech, Smith was a member of the Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering honor society. Soon, though, the United States entered World War II. Smith withdrew from school and joined the U.S. Army Signal Corps, where he became a First Lieutenant. While in the Army, Smith met Audrey Moore, and married her in 1945.

After his stint in the Army, Smith returned to Atlanta to continue his studies at Georgia Tech. He earned his degree in Electrical Engineering in 1947 and later went to work for Robert and Company, an Atlanta-based engineering and architecture firm specializing in aviation and city planning. Smith worked at three different engineering firms in Atlanta before retiring from the Eckhardt Electric Company in 1986.

Smith and his wife Audrey had two children, Edwin Houston Smith, Jr., who graduated from Tech with a degree in Industrial Engineering in 1971, and Sheryl Smith Lamar. Smith also had four grandchildren, including Ashley Warlick, who is also a Yellow Jacket, graduating with a degree in History, Technology, and Society in 2005.

Smith was also an active member of the Haygood Memorial United Methodist Church in Atlanta.

Edwin Houston Smith, Sr. died on August 8, 2011, at the age of 90. His memorial service was held at Haygood Memorial United Methodist Church and he was buried in Westview Cemetery on August 11, 2011.


Donation from Alumni Association (Living History), 2005 (accession no. 2005.036).

Separated Material

One set of notes from Systems Engineering 1 from 1967 and a notebook containing Physics lab reports dating from 1941, both part of this accession, have been separated and will be processed separately. Several books that also form part of this accession will be processed separately.

General Physical Description

(six legal-size folders)

Processing Information

This collection was processed by Christine de Catanzaro and Lindsay Resnick in November 2012.

Inventory of the Edwin H. Smith, Sr. Papers, 1940
Christine de Catanzaro and Lindsay Resnick
Copyright November 2012.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Archives and Special Collections, Library, Georgia Institute of Technology Repository

Georgia Institute of Technology
266 4th Street, NW
Atlanta 30332-0900 USA