This collection consists of about 480 ledgers and a few ledger sheets containing accounts payable and receivable records, student rolls (including records of payment, attendance, and offenses, as well as some grades), time sheets, dormitory records, budgets, and some correspondence. The ledgers primarily document student and financial records at Georgia Tech, but they also provide particularly rich documentation of the day-to-day operation of the first fifty years of the school's existence (1885-1935). The ledgers from the earliest years of this time period (1887-1920) represent some of the earliest extant manuscripts produced by Georgia Tech. The later volumes, particularly those dating from after ca. 1960, contain mainly budgetary and financial information.
(ca. 485 ledgers, 3 ledger sheets, 1 set of schedule cards)
One volume containing grades from the Fall Quarter 1957 (UA335-L097) is restricted, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Infirmary Records (UA335-L157) are also restricted (until 2024), in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Additional ledgers may also have to be restricted. Please see an archivist if access to a restricted volume is needed.
Careful handling of these ledgers is required because some of the volumes are very fragile.
Permission to publish materials from this collection must be obtained from the Head of Archives and Special Collections.
105 Linear Feet
This collection consists of over 480 ledgers and a few ledger sheets containing accounts payable and receivable records, student rolls (including records of payment, attendance, and offenses, as well as some grades), time sheets and wages, dormitory records, budgets, and some records of correspondence.
The ledgers dating from 1887 to about 1945 provide rich documentation of the day-to-day operation of the Georgia School of Technology, as it was then called. The ledgers from the earliest years of this time period (1887-1920) are particularly significant, since they represent some of the earliest extant manuscripts produced by Georgia Tech. Many of these ledgers record cash accounts, tuition and fees, and other accounting information (see Board and Fees, Cash and Bill Books, Petty Cash, Expense Accounts, Accounting Ledgers, and Tuition and Fees ledgers). Besides this financial information, the early ledgers contain copies of outgoing correspondence from the shop superintendent from 1888 to... 1890 (see [Copies of] Letters Sent - Shops Superintendent), lists of times spent by students on various woodshop projects from 1890 to 1895 (Time Books), lists of students by county or state of origin from 1900 to ca. 1923 (County Books, Student Listings by State), various dormitory records from 1901 to 1909 (see Dormitory), offense and demerit books from ca. 1905 to ca. 1917, absence records from 1903 to 1908, as well as exams and grades from woodshop, textile courses, and other classes from ca. 1889 to ca. 1907 (see Records of Scholarship, Woodshop Apprentice Time/Grades, Textile Grades, Exams, Grade Books). An undated pledge book (tentatively titled the Lyman Hall Pledge Book) also dates from this early period (probably ca. 1900). Early library records are also available (see Catalogues of Accessions and Library Ledgers). The Catalogues of Accessions contain lists of the earliest books obtained by the library, from August 1899 to 1907. Another early ledger, Inventory (UA335-L443), contains an inventory of materials and supplies dating from 1894. Many of the early ledgers also include enclosures containing additional relevant information.
The ledgers from the 1920s through the 1940s record mainly financial information such as tuition and fees and scholarships. Several payroll ledgers date from the 1930s and 1940s (see Weekly Payroll 1935, Monthly Payrolls 1936-1937, Payroll (Monthly and Weekly) 1934-1935, Faculty Payroll Book 1935-1936, and Faculty Schedule Cards 1941-1945). A series of ledgers from the 1920s provide lists of alumni pledges and accounts due.
The ledgers that date from the postwar period of the late 1940s and 1950s consist mainly of financial and budgetary information for Georgia Tech, although some records of grades (which are restricted), housing financial accounts, and library statistics are also available. Budgetary and financial ledgers predominate after about 1960. These include budgets for Georgia Tech as a whole as well as for the library, the Engineering Experiment Station (later the Georgia Tech Research Institute), and the Southern Technical Institute, a division of Georgia Tech.
In June 2012, processors added two account ledgers from the 1950s and 1960s (L484 and L485), a library serials register dating from the mid 1940s to early 1970s (L486), a register of donations to the Greater Tech fund from 1914 to 1920 (L487), and a set of faculty schedule cards (with salaries) from the wartime years of 1941 through 1945 (L488).
The years from 1982 to 1991 are not covered; the period of the 1990s is sparsely documented, and the years from 1995 to 1998 are not covered at all.
The Georgia School of Technology was founded by an act of the state Congress in October 1885, as a branch of the state university in Georgia. Instruction began in October 1888, in buildings constructed on a site bounded by North Avenue on the south and Cherry Street on the west, an area then known as Peters Park. The campus gradually grew in acreage, number of buildings, and size of the student body and faculty throughout the twentieth century. Particularly strong growth occurred during the postwar years of the late 1940s and 1950s, which prompted a name change to the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1948. In 2008, Georgia Tech occupies 400 acres, has a student body of more than 18,000 undergraduate and graduate students, and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in the Colleges of Architecture, Engineering, Sciences, Computing, Management, and the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.
For a detailed account of the history of Georgia Tech, see: Robert C. McMath, Jr. et al., Engineering the New South: Georgia Tech, 1885-1985 (Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, 1985).
The ledgers are listed below twice, first in alphabetical order by ledger title and then in chronological order.
The alphabetical listing comes first, followed by the chronological listing, which is divided roughly into overlapping decades:
In both lists, the ledger title is preceded by an identification number, which is a number that the Georgia Tech Archives has assigned to each volume. Following the title are two numbers that are provided in parentheses. The first of these numbers is the old identification number (if any); the second number is for archival staff use only.
A print copy of this finding aid is available in the Georgia Tech Archives reading room. Lists of ledgers by date and by identification number are also available in the reading room.
Immediate provenance unknown. Accessions #2007.007 and #2006.002. Additional accessions added June 2012: 1991.0607, 2000.040, 2000.062, 2000.064.
Three oversize ledger sheets containing grades and class standings from 1889 to 1891 were added to the collection in September 2008. (Accession #2006.002.) In June 2012, processors added two account ledgers from the 1950s and 1960s (L484 and L485), a library serials register dating from the mid 1940s to early 1970s (L486), a register of donations to the Greater Tech fund from 1914 to 1920 (L487), and a set of faculty schedule cards (with salaries) from the wartime years of 1941 through 1945 (L488).
Ledgers L194-L197 and L202 have been removed and processed separately as part of UA444 (June 2013).
(ca. 485 ledgers, 3 ledger sheets, 1 set of schedule cards)
Christine de Catanzaro, Kiet Nyugen, and Kaseza Ruhumbika completed the processing of this collection in July 2008. June 2012 additions by Christine de Catanzaro.
Part of the Archives and Special Collections, Library, Georgia Institute of Technology Repository