This collection contains the minutes from the faculty meetings at the Georgia Institute of Technology from 1888-1965, including discussions, decisions, rulings, and reports that occurred during these meetings. The collection also includes minutes from a variety of faculty committees.
This volume is a signature register of Georgia Tech students. Originally a record of honor pledges, each entry in the volume includes the student's signature, post office, birth place and date, class entered, date of entrance, parent or guardian, time and manner of leaving (withdrawal or graduation date), and remarks.
This collection contains a single volume of outgoing correspondence, grades, class standings, examination schedules and other notes, kept by the Secretary of the Faculty, Thomas Pettus Branch, from 1898 to 1905.
This volume is a handwritten directory of Georgia Tech students. Each entry in the volume includes the student's last name, first and middle initials, class, city address, name and address of parent or guardian, and the county. A column labelled "Sec." includes notations, possibly by the Secretary of the Faculty or the Registrar, indicating the student's major and/or withdrawal date.