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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 10

College of Architecture Visual Materials

Identifier: VAUA371

This collection contains photographs and architectural drawings from the College of Architecture relating to architecture classes and projects as well as materials related to Tech buildings, particularly those designed by Bush-Brown, Gaily, and Heffernan.

Dates: 1905-1990 (bulk dates 1930-1979); Majority of material found within 1930 - 1979

Doug C. Allen Papers

Identifier: DM010
Abstract Douglas C. Allen was a former professor of Georgia Tech’s School of Architecture where he worked for 37 years. A specialist in landscape architecture, Allen also participated in several architectural projects in the United States and abroad through various architecture firms. His papers include course materials from his years at Harvard and at Georgia Tech, research and teaching records, documents from his contributions at the architecture firms, and a number of reports about landscape...
Dates: 1968-2010

Facilities Department Drawings

Identifier: VUAD316

This collection consists of architectural drawings and blueprints documenting the design and construction of numerous buildings on the campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Dates: 1892-1996 (bulk 1946-1966); Majority of material found within 1946 - 1966

Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills Architectural Drawings

Identifier: VAMD004
Abstract Founded in Atlanta during the late 1860s, the Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills operated under the management of Jacob Elsas and his descendants for more than a century. The architectural drawings document the design and construction of most of the major buildings of the Atlanta site of Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills, as well as its machinery and equipment. The collection also contains drawings of the housing in the Atlanta mill village, as well as some drawings of other Fulton Bag sites, including...
Dates: 1889-1952

Healey Building Drawings

Identifier: DM014
Scope and Contents

This collection contains 19 sets of drawings and maps from different architectural and engineering firms for various projects on the Healey Building. There are plans for renovations and historic rehabilitation projects as well as floor plans for Rosa's Pizza and Ginseng Chinese Restuarant which are located in the commercial spaces on the ground floor. Of particular interest, there are drawings from 1912 titled, "First Floor Plan" by Morgan and Dillon with W.T. Downing.

Dates: 1912-2013, undated; Majority of material found in 1981-2013, undated

Hentz, Reid & Adler Architectural Drawings Collection

Identifier: DV007

The Hentz, Reid & Adler Architectural Drawings Collection contains architectural drawings from the firms of Norrman, Hentz & Reid; Hentz & Reid; Hentz, Reid & Adler; and Hentz, Adler & Shutze.

Dates: 1909-1948 and undated

Jova/Daniels/Busby Visual Materials

Identifier: DV010

The architectural firm of Jova/Daniels/Busby provided architecture, planning, and interior design services for commercial, institutional, health care, public, and educational clients. This collection contains drawings from projects in these areas, ca. 1966-2000.

Dates: ca. 1966-2000

Olympic/Paralympic Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAUA063

This collection consists of photographs documenting damage to the Georgia Tech campus and buildings that occurred during the Olympic and Paralympic games as well as drawings and project timelines representing new construction, renovation, and modifications to Tech's campus and buildings in preparation for the Olympics.

Dates: ca. 1990-1996

Toombs, Amisano, and Wells Visual Materials

Identifier: DV006

The Toombs, Amisano, and Wells Visual Materials collection contains architectural drawings, sketches, renderings, slides, photos, and negatives related to the firm's various projects mostly located in the South, Mid-Atlantic, and East Coast.

Dates: ca. 1940-2002

Visual Materials of the Office of Jack Pyburn, Architect, Inc.

Identifier: DV011
Scope and Contents

This visual collection contains the architectural drawings, blueprints, maps, and images from the office of Jack Pyburn, Architect, Inc.

Dates: 1900-2008, undated (copies)

Filtered By

  • Subject: Architecture -- Designs and plans -- Working drawings. X
  • Subject: Architecture -- Designs and plans. X

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Additional filters:

Architecture -- Designs and plans -- Working drawings. 8
Architectural drawings (visual works). 7
Architecture, Modern -- 20th century. 4
Architectural design -- United States. 3
Architecture -- Designs and plans. 3
Architecture, Domestic -- Georgia 3
Architectural firms -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 2
Architecture -- Study and teaching -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 2
Architecture--Designs and plans--Working drawings. 2
Blueprints. 2
∨ more...  
Bush-Brown, Gailey, and Heffernan (Architectural firm) 2
Georgia Institute of Technology. Buildings 2
Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Design 2
Georgia Institute of Technology. Facilities Department 2
Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games 1
Busby, John A. 1
Daniels, Stanley 1
Elsas, Norman E. 1
Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills 1
Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Architecture. History 1