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Showing Collections: 301 - 350 of 625

H. H. Caldwell Papers

Identifier: MF046

This collection consists of a single folder of correspondence to and from T. R. Branch and Hugh Harris Caldwell, the registrars of Georgia Tech.

Dates: 1908-1938 (bulk 1930-1938); Majority of material found within 1930 - 1938

H. L. Strickland Papers

Identifier: MF019

H. L. Strickland graduated from Georgia Tech in 1902. This collection contains Strickland's report card from 27 June 1900.

Dates: 1900

H. Wayne Patterson Photographs

Identifier: VAC004

This collection contains two scrapbooks with approximately 750 photographs from 1902-1913. A large portion of the scrapbooks deals with Patterson's family, his social life, and his days at Georgia Tech (Class of 1912).

Dates: 1902-1913

Harold A. Faisst Papers

Identifier: MS086

Harold A. “Dutch” Faisst was an outstanding Georgia Tech athlete, who played on the 1929 Rose Bowl football team. A member of the Class of 1930, he worked for the Aluminum Company of America after graduation. The scrapbook includes newspaper clippings, 1929 Rose Bowl memorabilia, souvenirs, and photographs. Some loose correspondence is also included.

Dates: ca. 1926-1930

Harold A. Faisst Visual Materials

Identifier: VAM086

Harold A. “Dutch” Faisst was an outstanding Georgia Tech athlete, who played on the 1929 Rose Bowl football team. A member of the Class of 1930, he worked for the Aluminum Company of America after graduation. The Visual Materials collection includes several photographs of a Koseme initiation, pictures of teammates, and various other photographs documenting his time at Georgia Tech.

Dates: circa 1926-1930

Harold Alan Bunger Correspondence

Identifier: MF034

This collection contains a single letter from Harold Alan Bunger, professor and chief of Georgia Tech's Chemical Engineering Department, to J. B. Crenshaw, Georgia Tech's commencement program chair. The correspondence deals with problems with the 1940 commencement exercises.

Dates: 1940

Harold Bush-Brown papers

Identifier: DM002

This collection contains significant material on Bush-Brown's tenure in the School of Architecture at Georgia Tech as well as the period of his retirement years, particularly the research and writing of his book, Beaux Arts to Bauhaus and Beyond: An Architect's Perspective. Family correspondence, diaries, and Bush-Brown's personal notebooks also form part of this rich collection.

Dates: 1872-1978 (bulk 1918-1977); Majority of material found within 1918 - 1977

Harold Bush-Brown Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAC003
Abstract During his thirty-four years at Georgia Tech, Harold Bush-Brown was a professor, administrator, and architect. He designed numerous buildings on the Tech campus, such as the Brown and Smith Dormitories, the original Ceramics Building, Brittain Dining Hall, and the School of Architecture building. In addition to his duties at Georgia Tech, Bush-Brown was also a District Officer for the Historic American Buildings Survey (United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service) in the...
Dates: 1926-1967 (bulk 1936); Majority of material found in 1936 - 1936

Harry L. Baker, Jr. Papers

Identifier: MS385

This collection is made up of Baker's identification cards; one piece of correspondence to his daughters, which dates from World War II; a condolence letter to Baker's wife; his obituaries; and dedication programs for the Baker Building on the Georgia Tech campus, named in his honor. Baker's two diplomas from Emory University (Bachelor of Law 1961; Doctor of Law 1970) and a 1973 citation from the Georgia Tech Research Institute are also included in this collection.

Dates: ca. 1945-ca. 1973

Harry L. Baker, Jr. Photograph Collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: VAM385

Harry Baker was a 1934 Georgia Tech graduate and the president of the Georgia Tech Research Institute from 1946 until his untimely death in 1973. The majority of this collection documents Baker's professional career while at Georgia Tech.

Dates: ca. 1934-1970 (bulk dates 1967-1970); Majority of material found within 1967 - 1970

Harvey West Correspondence

Identifier: MF037

This collection contains a single letter from Harvey West, President of the "T" Club, to the Georgia Tech faculty regarding student dances.

Dates: 1935

Healey Building Drawings

Identifier: DM014
Scope and Contents

This collection contains 19 sets of drawings and maps from different architectural and engineering firms for various projects on the Healey Building. There are plans for renovations and historic rehabilitation projects as well as floor plans for Rosa's Pizza and Ginseng Chinese Restuarant which are located in the commercial spaces on the ground floor. Of particular interest, there are drawings from 1912 titled, "First Floor Plan" by Morgan and Dillon with W.T. Downing.

Dates: 1912-2013, undated; Majority of material found in 1981-2013, undated

Heavy Metal

Identifier: PN6728 .H43

Heavy Metal was a science fiction and fantasy comic published between 1975 and 2023. It featured a wide variety of subgenres, including steampunk and dark fantasy, as well as an array of high quality art, including some covers by notable artist H.R. Giger. Due to its refusal to follow the Comics Code Authority, the magazine was able to publish more explicit material and illustration than its contemporaries, serving an older SF and fantasy audience.

Dates: 1979 October

Helen E. Grenga Papers

Identifier: MS141

As the first female engineering professor at Georgia Tech, Dr. Helen Grenga's role on campus was not only as a teacher, but as a mentor and a leader. This collection contains correspondence, class materials, project reports, publications and speeches.

Dates: 1963-1994 (bulk 1972-1983); Majority of material found within 1972 - 1983

Helen E. Grenga Papers on Women in Engineering

Identifier: MS320

This collection consists of Helen E. Grenga's papers relating to the Georgia Tech chapter of the Society of Women Engineers, as well as her materials on women in engineering in general.

Dates: 1965-1989

Helen E. Grenga Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAM141

This collection contains photographs and slides from Dr. Helen Grenga, former professor in Georgia Tech's Material Science and Engineering department.

Dates: undated

Helen E. Grenga Photographs on Women in Engineering

Identifier: VAM320

This collection consists of one photograph of Helen E. Grenga with a group of women, possibly the Georgia Tech chapter of the Society of Women Engineers.

Dates: ca. 1983-ca. 1987

Henry Mancini and Cecil Welch Music Collection

Identifier: MS480

This collection consists of Cecil Welch's library of musical scores gifted to him by Henry Mancini, and his personal library of big band charts.

Dates: 1976-2022

Henry Walter Crowe, Jr. Papers

Identifier: MS382

This collection is made up of recruitment letters, schedules, and itineraries for the Georgia Tech football team, dating from the mid-1920s.

Dates: 1924-1927

Hentz, Reid & Adler Architectural Drawings Collection

Identifier: DV007

The Hentz, Reid & Adler Architectural Drawings Collection contains architectural drawings from the firms of Norrman, Hentz & Reid; Hentz & Reid; Hentz, Reid & Adler; and Hentz, Adler & Shutze.

Dates: 1909-1948 and undated

Herman Samuel Papers

Identifier: MS393

This collection is composed of various papers once owned by Herman Samuel. Included in this collection are items relating to student life at Georgia Tech, including Yellow Jacket sports and commencement.

Dates: 1939-1960 (bulk dates 1939-1944)

Hin Bredendieck Papers

Identifier: DM012

This collection contains the existing documents created and curated by Hin Bredendieck. Most of the material relates to his design work and theory, as well as his experiences in the Bauhaus.

Dates: 1924-1995

History 4876 Final Papers

Identifier: MS148

History 4876 ("Special Topics in History") is a class offered in the Ivan Allen College of Management, Policy, and International Affairs. This collection contains final papers from Spring 1999.

Dates: 1999

Homer S. Weber Papers

Identifier: MS036

Dr. Homer S. Weber was a student and a faculty member of the Mechanical Engineering Department. These papers document his entire scholastic career at Georgia Tech.

Dates: 1920-1984

Homer S. Weber Photograph Collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: VAM036

Dr. Homer S. Weber was a student and faculty member of the Mechanical Engineering department at Georgia Tech. This collection contains 1 gelatin silver print of the 1953 Georgia Tech Faculty.

Dates: 1953

Honors Program (Georgia Institute of Technology) Records

Identifier: UA445

This collection includes papers relating to the founding and history of the Georgia Tech Honors Program, such as emails, PowerPoint slides, and meeting minutes. It also contains the annual reports of the organization, survey analyses, and the Honors Program newsletter, The HyPe.

Dates: 2004-2014

Horror Garage

Identifier: PN6120.95.H727 H67

Horror Garage was a dark fiction magazine featuring horror and fantasy stories, as well as interviews and reviews of horror movies and rock music. The magazine began in 2000 with twelve print issues before transitioning to online in 2006.

Dates: Dec. 2002


Identifier: PN6071 .S33 H37

Häpna was a Swedish science fiction magazine lasting from March 1954 to 1969 and was the first magazine in Sweden to use the official label of "science fiction". Subjects of the magazine included Swedish SF fan activities, club/convention news, and reviews, as well as published translations of both established and new SF authors.

Dates: May - June 1957

Hugh H. Chapman, Jr. Resume

Identifier: MF015

The Hugh H. Chapman, Jr. resume and recommendations detail the education and career of Chapman, who apparently applied for a position with Georgia Tech.

Dates: 1939

If/Worlds of If

Identifier: PS648 .S3 W92
Scope and Contents

Not a complete run; some issues missing

Dates: 1952-1986; Majority of material found within 1952-1974

Images and Memories Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAC001

The pictorial history, Images and Memories: Georgia Tech, 1885-1985,was one of several projects celebrating Georgia Tech's centennial in 1985. This collection contains copy prints of many of the photographs that appeared in the book.

Dates: 1983-1985

Industrial Archaeology records

Identifier: UA452

The Industrial Archaeology records contain historical research, correspondence, maps, photographs, diagrams, and publications for a variety of industrial sites throughout the state of Georgia. These sites include: mills, canals, railways, bridges, factories, warehouses, and industrial machinery. The majority of the information and research is from the 1970s by Professor James E. Brittain while at Georgia Institute of Technology.

Dates: 1902 - 1994

Institute Communications and Public Affairs Records

Identifier: UA046

The Georgia Institute of Technology's Office of Institute Communications and Public Affairs (ICPA) was previously known as the news bureau and the public relations office. Among many other responsibilities, ICPA produces annual reports and tracks publicity Georgia Tech receives in various publications. These records include annual reports and newsclippings.

Dates: 1951-1996

Institutional Self-Study Steering Committee Records

Identifier: MS009

The Institutional Self-Study Steering Committee coordinated the campus-wide self-studies that were conducted within individual departments and schools. These records include minutes, reports, and correspondence for three self-studies: 1961-1963, 1972-1973, and 1982-1983.

Dates: 1961-1982

Interactive Media Technology Center Olympic Project retroTECH Collection

Identifier: RT00032
Scope and Contents

This collection contains oral histories, digitized footage, and documentation related to the Interactive Media Technology Center's development of a multimedia system that played a significant role in making the case for Atlanta to host the 1996 Olympics.

Dates: Circa 1988-2019

International Student and Scholar Services Records

Identifier: UA307

The Office of International Student and Scholar Services was formed to serve the international student population at the Georgia Institute of Technology. This collection includes documents from the advisors regarding enrollment of international students, academic progress, and financial statements of the student loan fund for international students.

Dates: 1969-1983


Identifier: PN6071.S33 I58

Interzone was begun in 1986. This collection contains issues ranging from 1986 to 2016, though the reader should note that the collection may not be complete.

Dates: 1986 - 2018

Irregular Students' Schedule

Identifier: MF031

This collection contains a single schedule for Georgia Tech's irregular students for February 1917.

Dates: 1917

Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology

Identifier: PN6120.95.S33 I83

Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology was begun in 1978 under Davis Publications, Inc.. This collection contains issues ranging from 1978 to 1980, though the reader should note that the collection may not be complete.

Dates: 1978 - 1980

Isaac Henry Reid Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAC030

This collection contains 20 photographs of friends and classmates during Reid's school years at Georgia Tech. McPherson Company, a studio photographer in Atlanta, took the majority of the photographs.

Dates: ca. 1904

Isaac S. Hopkins Papers

Identifier: MF058

Isaac S. Hopkins served as Georgia Tech's first president from its founding in 1888 until his resignation in 1896. Hopkins gave the alumni address at Emory College in 1883 advocating industrial education at Emory.

Dates: 1883

J. B. Crenshaw Papers

Identifier: MS051

As head of the Department of Modern Languages, Dr. J. B. Crenshaw retained the faculty correspondence, departmental annual reports, and drafts of academic papers that are contained in this collection.

Dates: 1910-1950

J. Walter Estes Papers

Identifier: MF006

J. Walter Estes was a graduate of Georgia Tech in 1904. This collection consists of correspondence and a travel itinerary for a group of Georgians on an industrial tour of northern cities.

Dates: 1920

J. Walter Estes Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAMF006

J. Walter Estes, a member of the class of 1904, collected these photographs of his classmates.

Dates: 1900-1954 (bulk 1904-1905); Majority of material found within 1904 - 1905

J. Wayne Moore Papers

Identifier: MS132

These papers include correspondence, printed material, and newsclippings, primarily documenting the 1951 reunion of the Class of 1901. Also included are certificates certifying J. Wayne Moore, Jr. to practice engineering in Florida and Georgia, and land surveying in Georgia.

Dates: 1901-1956 (bulk 1951); Majority of material found in 1951 - 1951

J. Wayne Moore Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAM132

This collection contains photographs of the Class of 1901, the Insubordinate Seniors, from their senior year and subsequent reunions.

Dates: 1901-1956

Jack Pyburn retroTECH Collection

Identifier: RTPyburn
Scope and Contents Jack Pyburn, FAIA is an Atlanta based architect and recipient of numerous awards and accolades based on his work as an architect and his participation in the historic preservation community. He played football as a way to finance his college education and was recruited by the Miami Dolphins for its second season. Mr. Pyburn worked for EDAW and Team4 before he opened his own firm in 1984 which he ran for over 20 years. He has been with the firm Lord, Aech and Sargant since 2007. This oral...
Dates: 2019

James C. Barber Papers

Identifier: MS438

Two document cases of notebooks, lab reports, workbooks, and textbooks used during James C. Barber's time as a student at the Georgia School (now Institute) of Technology.

Dates: 1934-1938, undated

James Herty Lucas Papers

Identifier: MS055

The James Herty Lucas papers include newspaper clippings relating to Georgia Tech, a Tech dance invitation, a pamphlet on the engineer William States Lee, and three undated typewritten histories of civil, structural, and highway engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Dates: ca. 1900-ca. 1940

James Herty Lucas Visual Materials

Identifier: VAM055

The James Herty Lucas Visual Materials contains five photographs and three postcards. All items relate to Georgia Tech. Lucas was an alumni and professor of Highway and Civil Engineering at Tech.

Dates: 1900-1934 (bulk 1910-1920); Majority of material found within 1910 - 1920

Filter Results

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Science fiction, American. 96
Science fiction--Periodicals 87
Photographs. 80
Fantasy fiction--Periodicals 79
Fantasy fiction, American 70
College sports -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 22
Correspondence. 17
Scrapbooks. 17
Serials (publications). 16
Architectural drawings (visual works). 15
∨ more...
Souvenir programs. 15
Architecture -- Designs and plans. 14
Manuscripts. 13
Science fiction, American--Periodicals 13
Architecture, Modern -- 20th century. 9
Annual reports. 8
Architectural design -- United States. 8
Architectural firms -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Architecture -- Designs and plans -- Working drawings. 8
College buildings -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Greek letter societies -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Military education -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Science fiction fans. 8
Student activities -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
retroTECH 8
Catalogs. 7
Minutes. 7
Notebooks. 7
Textile machinery. 7
Universities and colleges -- Curricula -- Catalogs. 7
Architects -- United States. 6
College student records. 6
College students -- Georgia -- Atlanta -- Conduct of life. 6
College students -- Georgia. 6
Historic buildings -- Georgia. 6
Lecture notes. 6
Newsletters. 6
Universities and colleges -- Faculty. 6
World War, 1939-1945. 6
Architecture -- Study and teaching. 5
Certificates. 5
College students -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
College students--Georgia--Atlanta. 5
Education, Cooperative -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
Engineering students -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
Librarians -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
Mechanical engineering -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
Physics -- Study and teaching. 5
Programs (documents). 5
Science fiction, English. 5
Women -- Societies and clubs. 5
Architecture, Domestic -- Georgia 4
Athletics -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Bulletin of the Georgia School of Technology. 4
Campus planning -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
College publicity. 4
College student government -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
College student orientation -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Color slides. 4
Commencement ceremonies -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Electrical engineering -- Georgia. 4
Engineering -- Study and teaching -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Engineering -- Study and teaching. 4
Fund raising -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Ledgers (account books). 4
Library administration -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Memorabilia. 4
Oral histories. 4
School buildings -- Design and construction. 4
Science fiction -- Societies, etc. 4
Student activities -- Periodicals. 4
Students -- Social life and customs. 4
Theaters -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Universities and colleges -- Georgia -- Atlanta -- Curricula. 4
Universities and colleges -- Georgia -- Atlanta -- Societies, etc. 4
Universities and colleges -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Women in engineering. 4
Architects -- United States -- Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. 3
Architectural drawing. 3
Architectural firms -- United States. 3
Architecture -- Study and teaching -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Atlanta (Ga.) -- History. 3
Buildings -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Canals -- Georgia -- Augusta. 3
Clippings (information artifacts). 3
Coaches (Athletics) -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
College administrators -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
College presidents -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
College sports. 3
College theater -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Computer science -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Conferences. 3
Cotton textile industry. 3
Directories. 3
Electrical engineering -- Problems, exercises, etc. 3
Engineering -- Research -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Floppy disks. 3
Football players. 3
Handbooks. 3
∧ less...
Georgia Institute of Technology. History 90
Georgia Institute of Technology. Students 74
Georgia Institute of Technology. Sports 55
Georgia Institute of Technology 54
Georgia Institute of Technology. Alumni and alumnae 41
Georgia Institute of Technology. Faculty and Faculty Governance 40
Georgia Institute of Technology. Buildings 39
Georgia Institute of Technology. Football 38
Georgia Institute of Technology. Periodicals 36
Georgia Institute of Technology. Archives, Records Management, and Digital Curation 34
∨ more...
Georgia Institute of Technology. Societies, etc 29
Georgia School of Technology. Students 24
Georgia School of Technology 23
Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets (Football team) 23
Georgia Tech Athletic Association 21
Georgia Tech Alumni Association 20
Georgia Institute of Technology. Library 18
Georgia School of Technology. History 17
Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) 17
Alexander, William A. (William Anderson) 14
Dodd, Bobby 14
Georgia Institute of Technology. Traditions 14
Georgia Tech Athletic Association. Sports Information Office 14
Georgia Institute of Technology. Administration 13
Georgia Institute of Technology. Finance and Planning 11
Georgia Institute of Technology. Presidents 11
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 10
Georgia School of Technology. Football 10
Griffin, George C. (George Clayton) 10
Olympic Games (26th : 1996 : Atlanta, Ga.) 10
Van Leer, Blake R. (Blake Ragsdale) 10
Brittain, M. L. (Marion Luther) 9
Bush-Brown, Gailey, and Heffernan (Architectural firm) 7
Georgia Institute of Technology. Basketball 7
Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Design 7
Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Physics 7
Pettit, Joseph M. (Joseph Mayo) 7
Weber, Paul M. 7
A. French Textile School 6
Coon, John Saylor 6
Georgia Institute of Technology. Baseball 6
Georgia Institute of Technology. Track and field 6
Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc 6
Hansen, Arthur G. 6
Heisman, John W. (John William) 6
Society of Women Engineers 6
Bush-Brown, Harold 5
Crecine, John P. 5
Crosland, Dorothy M. (Dorothy Murray) 5
Georgia Institute of Technology. Curricula 5
Georgia Institute of Technology. Naval Reserve Officer's Training Corps 5
Georgia Institute of Technology. Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students 5
Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 5
Matheson, Kenneth G. (Kenneth Gordon) 5
Alpha Tau Omega. Beta Iota Chapter (Georgia Institute of Technology) 4
Beard, W. Roane (William Roane) 4
Branch, T. P. (Thomas Pettus) 4
Carter, Jimmy 4
Drake, Miriam A. 4
Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Class of 1901 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Computing 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Cooperative Division 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. DramaTech Theatre 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Facilities Department 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Funds and scholarships 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Graduate Division 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Housing and Residence Life 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Institute Communications 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Office of the President 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Office of the Registrar 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Public relations 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Textile Engineering 4
Georgia School of Technology. Curricula 4
Georgia Tech Faculty Women's Club 4
Grenga, Helen E. (Helen Eva) 4
Harrison, Edwin D. 4
Heffernan, P. M. (Paul Malcolm) 4
Newman, Frances 4
Rose Bowl (Football game). History 4
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 4
University System of Georgia. Board of Regents 4
Unknown 4
WGST (Radio station : Atlanta, Ga.) 4
Caldwell, H. H. (Hugh Harris) 3
Clough, G. Wayne 3
Crenshaw, J. B. (John Bascom) 3
Culver, John P., Jr. 3
Dull, James E. (James Edward) 3
Elsas, Norman E. 3
Estes, J. Walter (James Walter) 3
Freeman, Y. Frank 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Alexander Memorial Coliseum 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Engineering 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Committees 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Degrees 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Directories 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Engineering Extension Division 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Planning 3
∧ less...
English 622
German 3
Abkhazian 1
French 1
Japanese 1
Latin 1