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Showing Collections: 101 - 150 of 625

College of Sciences and Liberal Studies Records

Identifier: MF057

The College of Sciences and Liberal Studies of the Georgia Institute of Technology offered a Social Sciences Minors Program with an area of specialty in philosophy. These records include two certificates granted to students in this program.

Dates: 1981-1984

Commencement and Baccalaureate Collection

Identifier: UA370

This collection consists of selected programs, addresses, invitations, instructions, and printed material produced for the commencement and/or baccalaureate ceremonies at Georgia Tech.

Dates: 1899-1981 (bulk dates 1902-1973); Majority of material found within 1902 - 1973

Committee on Education Objectives and Methods Records

Identifier: MF024

This collection contains reports and records from the Committee on Education Objectives and Methods.

Dates: 1954-1955


Identifier: PN55 .C66

Configurations is the official publication of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA). Beginning in 1993 through the Johns Hopkins University Press, Configurations expands on the intricacies within the intersection of the humanities and sciences. Georgia Tech serves as the institutional sponsor for the publication and several issues contain features from Georgia Tech faculty.

Dates: Winter - Fall 1993

Cooperative Division Publications (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Identifier: UP025

This inventory draws together all of the publications that relate to the cooperative program at Georgia Tech, including bulletins, guides, handbooks, and newsletters.

Dates: 1920-2008 (bulk dates 1920-1994); Majority of material found within 1920 - 1994

Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy

Identifier: AP2 .C83

Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine was a short run science fiction publication in 1953-1954. It was published under Scott Meredith Agency and Star Publications. The Georgia Tech Archives and Special Collections holds copies between 1953 - 1954, though the reader should note that it may not be a complete run of the publication.

Dates: 1977

Cotton Textile Production Slides

 Collection — Box: Multi
Identifier: VAC377

This collection contains undated color slides illustrating the process of producing cotton fabric, from the cotton bale to the cloth.

Dates: undated, ca. 1950s-1960s

Course Evaluations

Identifier: MF025

This collection consists of academic course evaluations, which provide a comparison between Georgia Tech's course subject content in the semester and quarter systems.

Dates: 1948

Cross Country and Track Records

Identifier: MF041

This collection contains Georgia Tech track and cross country records, such as a program/score card and a roster.

Dates: 1920-1956

CS2110 retroTECH Collection

Identifier: RT00029
Content Description

This collection contains software and stories from Georgia Tech's CS2110 course, Computer Organization and Programming. CS2110 offers an introduction to basic computer hardware, machine language, assembly language, and C programming. As part of the course, students create games for the Game Boy Advance. This collection includes selections of the games, as well as oral histories with the student game creators.

Dates: Fall 2018 semester -

CS2261 retroTECH Collection

Identifier: RT00030
Content Description This collection contains software and stories from Georgia Tech's CS2261 course, Media Device Architecture. CS2261 covers knowledge related to controlling the interface between hardware and software in media devices, as well as machine-level programming (e.g., in C) to create graphics, generate sound, and support user interaction. As part of the course, students create games for the Game Boy Advance. This collection includes selections of the games, as well as oral histories with the student...
Dates: Fall 2018 semester

Cthulhu Calls

Identifier: PS374.S35 C84

Cthulhu Calls was a science fiction, horror, and fantasy literature review magazine. The publication was located in Powell, Wyoming at Northwest Community College and served the Wyoming and Montana state areas with essays, reviews, poems, and short stories. The magazine was edited by R. J. Barthell and Terry L. Shorb and ended its publication in 1977.

Dates: 1975-1977

D. Lynn Whitt Papers

Identifier: MS452

Four document cases of notes, lab reports, quizzes, and tests compiled during D. Lynn Whitt's time as a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Dates: 1961-1966 and undated

Daniel Guggenheim School of Aeronautics Flight Training Program Records

Identifier: MF016

During the 1938-1939 academic year, a proposal was made to establish a preliminary flight training program at Georgia Tech's Daniel Guggenheim School of Aeronautics, which was sponsored by the federal government. These records consist of several letters and memoranda dealing with the flight training program.

Dates: 1939

Dankwart Koehler Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAC410
Scope and Contents

This collection contains photographs of Atlanta and Georgia Tech from 1953-1954 when Koehler was an exchange student for a year through the Georgia Tech World Student Fund and the Georgia Tech YMCA, earning a master's degree in electrical engineering. Additional photographs are from Oct-Dec 1960 when teaching at Georgia Tech for a year.

Dates: 1953-1960

David Brin Papers

Identifier: MS333

This collection consists of two rough drafts of Brin's 1990 novel, Earth, and a list of editions of Brin's work.

Dates: ca. 1988-2000

David Keller Papers

Identifier: MS486
Overview David Keller was a psychiatrist and science fiction, fantasy, and horror writer who frequently published in pulp magazines. Keller was popular amongst science fiction fans of the 1920s and 30s and has been praised for his innovative shift from conventional technology-heavy science fiction towards an emphasis on character psychology and humanity. This collection contains several of his short stories, correspondence with Weird Tales editor Farnsworth Wright, and other...
Dates: 1924-1949, undated

Day Davis scrapbook

Identifier: MS348

This collection consists of scrapbook pages containing newspaper clippings from Georgia Tech's 1931-1932 football season.

Dates: ca. 1931-1932

Dean and Director of Libraries photographs

Identifier: VAUA306

This collection consists of photographs of students using library computers.

Dates: undated

Dean and Director of Libraries records

Identifier: UA306

The records include correspondence, annual reports, and statistical data containing information relating to library staff and faculty, Georgia Tech colleges and schools, library associations and vendors, and other administrative matters concerning the operation of the Georgia Tech Library and Information Center.

Dates: 1958-2005 (bulk 1985-2003); Majority of material found within 1985 - 2003

Dean of Faculties (Georgia Institute of Technology) Annual Reports

Identifier: UP031

This collection consists of the annual reports of the Dean of Faculties, which include reports on each college and division under the Dean of Faculties' purview, as well as data on current faculty at Georgia Tech.

Dates: 1949-1965

Dean of Faculties Records

Identifier: UA018

The Dean of Faculties records include minutes, legal records, personnel files, financial records, and correspondence.

Dates: 1935-1969 (bulk 1957-1966); Majority of material found within 1957 - 1966

Dean of Students Audio/Visual Materials Collection

Identifier: VAUA401

This collection contains photographs of Georgia Tech locations, student activities, surrounding Atlanta locations, historic images, and artwork.

Dates: 1968-1987 and no date


Identifier: MF026

This single item is a decal promoting Georgia Tech school spirit.

Dates: undated

Delap's F & SF Review

Identifier: PN3448.S45 D45

Delap's F and SF Review science fiction publication in 1975-1978. It was published by Frederick Patten and edited by edited by Richard Delap. The Georgia Tech Archives and Special Collections holds copies between 1975 - 1976, though the reader should note that it may not be a complete run of the publication.

Dates: 1975 - 1978

Department of Housing Handbooks (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Identifier: UP033

This collection contains printed handbooks providing information on campus housing at Georgia Tech.

Dates: 1992-1995

Department of Mathematics Report

Identifier: MF012

On December 31, 1933, a meeting took place between Charles M. Snelling, chancellor of the University System, and college department heads from Georgia. During this meeting, the group discussed a possible statewide course coordination. This collection contains a report from Georgia Tech's mathematics department to Chancellor Snelling.

Dates: 1933

Department of Mechanical Engineering Student Cards

Identifier: UA055

The cards in this collection contain names, addresses, and grade information on Georgia Tech students in various courses of study. Although the majority of student records are from Mechanical Engineering, the records of students in Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering are also included.

Dates: ca. 1919-ca. 1924


Identifier: PZ1 .D48

Destinies was a science fiction and speculative fact anthology magazine. This magazine was accompanied by editor James Baen for its entire lifetime, from 1978 to 1990. Famous contributors include Orson Scott Card, Spider Robinson, Larry Niven, and Roger Zelazny. Several of the short stories featured in Destinies went on to receive prestigious Hugo Awards in Science Fiction.

Dates: November/December 1978 - Summer 1980

Doctoral Candidate Requirement Records

Identifier: MF044

Georgia Tech offered its first doctor of philosophy degree in 1950. These records discuss such concerns as residency requirements, presentation of thesis topics, and course requirements.

Dates: ca. 1955

Dorothy M. Crosland Papers

Identifier: MS001
Abstract Dorothy Murray Crosland served as librarian of Georgia Tech from 1927 until 1953, when she assumed the title of director of libraries, the position she held until her retirement in 1971. Her principal achievements during her long tenure were the construction of the Price Gilbert Memorial Library and Crosland Tower (previously Graduate Addition). She also played an instrumental role in the admission of women to Georgia Tech and in the development of a graduate program in information science....
Dates: 1917-1983 (bulk 1950-1971); Majority of material found within 1950 - 1971

Dorothy M. Crosland Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAM001

This collection consists of photographs of the interior of the Georgia Tech library.

Dates: undated

Doug C. Allen Papers

Identifier: DM010
Abstract Douglas C. Allen was a former professor of Georgia Tech’s School of Architecture where he worked for 37 years. A specialist in landscape architecture, Allen also participated in several architectural projects in the United States and abroad through various architecture firms. His papers include course materials from his years at Harvard and at Georgia Tech, research and teaching records, documents from his contributions at the architecture firms, and a number of reports about landscape...
Dates: 1968-2010

Drafting Manual and Drawings

Identifier: MF048

This collection consists of a drafting manual and drawings.

Dates: ca. 1915

DramaTech Theatre Records

Identifier: UA350

These records include production files and administrative materials, including programs from plays and performances as well as membership rolls, meeting minutes, correspondence, and other materials documenting the history of DramaTech.

Dates: 1947-2004

DramaTech Visual Materials Collection

Identifier: VAUA350

This collection contains photographs of DramaTech productions. Photographs include images of set construction, rehearsals, cast and crew, and scenes from productions.

Dates: 1947-2001

Dynamic Science Fiction

Identifier: PZ1.A1 D96

'Dynamic Science Fiction' was published from 1952 to 1954 by Columbia Publications, Inc. under editor Robert A. W. Lowndes. The publication ran every other month, and was intended as a companion to Lowndes' two other science fiction publications: 'Science Fiction Quarterly' and 'Future Science Fiction.'

Dates: December 1952-January 1954

Earl W. Purser Papers

Identifier: MS395

This collection contains receipts, a library card, and an athletic ticket book owned by Earl W. Purser, a student at Georgia Tech in 1924.

Dates: 1924-1925

Earl Wadsworth McDaniel Papers

Identifier: MS455

This collection contains the lecture notes, research materials, biographical information, and correspondence of Earl Wadsworth McDaniel, professor of Physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Dates: 1929-1998 and undated (bulk dates 1962-1993)

Early Presidents Collection

Identifier: UA004

The early presidents of Georgia Tech were influential in shaping the character of the institution and determining its future. Materials contained within this collection include correspondence, press releases, school records, maps and architectural drawings from the presidencies of Lyman Hall, Kenneth G. Matheson, Marion L. Brittain, and Blake R. Van Leer.

Dates: 1879-1957 (bulk 1930-1950); Majority of material found within 1930 - 1950

Early Presidents Photograph Collection

Identifier: VAUA004

This collection consists of numerous photographs of Georgia Tech President Blake Van Leer while in office (1944-1956), but there is also one photograph of William Alexander, Georgia Tech football coach from 1920 to 1944. Several photographs were found in an envelope marked Gasper-Ware Studio (876 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta).

Dates: 1950-1953

Ed Lafitte Photograph

Identifier: VAMF001

Ed Lafitte was a member of the Georgia Tech baseball team in 1906-1907. This collection consists of one photograph of Lafitte in his Georgia Tech baseball uniform.

Dates: 1906-1907

Ed Negri Papers

Identifier: MS397

This collection consists of physics laboratory reports from 1941 to 1942, created when Ed Negri was a student at the Georgia School of Technology.

Dates: 1941-1942

Edward B. Madden Papers

Identifier: MS396

This collection is composed of a Georgia Tech football scrapbook and an edition of The Technique, Georgia Tech's student newspaper.

Dates: ca. 1930-1931

Edward B. Van Voorhees Visual Materials Collection

Identifier: VAC379

The Edward B. Van Voorhees Visual Materials Collection contains black and white negatives and photographs illustrating Georgia Tech student life and activities, 1939-1943. There are many images of Georgia Tech dances, an NROTC summer cruise, initiations by various student organizations, and student life in general. The negatives have been scanned and the digital images are available for viewing.

Dates: 1939-ca.1957 (bulk 1939-1943); Majority of material found within 1939 - 1943

Edward L. Darling, Jr. Papers

Identifier: MS435

Papers relating to the education and hobbies of Edward L. Darling, Jr. during and after his college years.

Dates: 1917-1934 (bulk dates ca. 1919-1925); Majority of material found within 1919 - 1925

Edward L. Darling, Jr. Visual Materials

Identifier: VAM435

This collection includes one folder, containing a graduation photograph of Edward L. Darling, Jr., a postcard from a friend in Savannah, and a photograph of the 1925 Anak Society members.

Dates: ca. 1924-1925

Edwin H. Smith, Sr. Papers

Identifier: MS391

This collection contains a Georgia Tech physics laboratory manual, graduation programs from the Class of 1947, and class reunion materials from the 1939-1940 freshman co-op class at Tech.

Dates: 1939-1996 (bulk dates 1939-1947)

Edwin P. Kohler Slide Collection

 Collection — Box: Multi
Identifier: VAC378

The Edwin P. Kohler Slide Collection contains color slides of 1964 Georgia Tech Homecoming activities and the Tech campus in the mid-1960s.

Dates: 1964-1966

Edwin Rembert DuBose, Sr. Papers

Identifier: MS399

This collection contains material collected by Edwin Rembert DuBose, Sr, including: personal papers, correspondence, articles, and programs related to Georgia Tech and the Alumni Association (Series 1); material collected about and from trips set up by the Georgia Tech Alumni Association (Series 2); and publications from and related to Georgia Tech, including newsletters, newspapers, magazines, programs, and campus publications (Series 3).

Dates: 1938-2004

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Science fiction, American. 96
Science fiction--Periodicals 87
Photographs. 80
Fantasy fiction--Periodicals 79
Fantasy fiction, American 70
College sports -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 22
Correspondence. 17
Scrapbooks. 17
Serials (publications). 16
Architectural drawings (visual works). 15
∨ more...
Souvenir programs. 15
Architecture -- Designs and plans. 14
Manuscripts. 13
Science fiction, American--Periodicals 13
Architecture, Modern -- 20th century. 9
Annual reports. 8
Architectural design -- United States. 8
Architectural firms -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Architecture -- Designs and plans -- Working drawings. 8
College buildings -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Greek letter societies -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Military education -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Science fiction fans. 8
Student activities -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 8
retroTECH 8
Catalogs. 7
Minutes. 7
Notebooks. 7
Textile machinery. 7
Universities and colleges -- Curricula -- Catalogs. 7
Architects -- United States. 6
College student records. 6
College students -- Georgia -- Atlanta -- Conduct of life. 6
College students -- Georgia. 6
Historic buildings -- Georgia. 6
Lecture notes. 6
Newsletters. 6
Universities and colleges -- Faculty. 6
World War, 1939-1945. 6
Architecture -- Study and teaching. 5
Certificates. 5
College students -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
College students--Georgia--Atlanta. 5
Education, Cooperative -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
Engineering students -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
Librarians -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
Mechanical engineering -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 5
Physics -- Study and teaching. 5
Programs (documents). 5
Science fiction, English. 5
Women -- Societies and clubs. 5
Architecture, Domestic -- Georgia 4
Athletics -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Bulletin of the Georgia School of Technology. 4
Campus planning -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
College publicity. 4
College student government -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
College student orientation -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Color slides. 4
Commencement ceremonies -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Electrical engineering -- Georgia. 4
Engineering -- Study and teaching -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Engineering -- Study and teaching. 4
Fund raising -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Ledgers (account books). 4
Library administration -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Memorabilia. 4
Oral histories. 4
School buildings -- Design and construction. 4
Science fiction -- Societies, etc. 4
Student activities -- Periodicals. 4
Students -- Social life and customs. 4
Theaters -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Universities and colleges -- Georgia -- Atlanta -- Curricula. 4
Universities and colleges -- Georgia -- Atlanta -- Societies, etc. 4
Universities and colleges -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 4
Women in engineering. 4
Architects -- United States -- Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. 3
Architectural drawing. 3
Architectural firms -- United States. 3
Architecture -- Study and teaching -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Atlanta (Ga.) -- History. 3
Buildings -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Canals -- Georgia -- Augusta. 3
Clippings (information artifacts). 3
Coaches (Athletics) -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
College administrators -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
College presidents -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
College sports. 3
College theater -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Computer science -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Conferences. 3
Cotton textile industry. 3
Directories. 3
Electrical engineering -- Problems, exercises, etc. 3
Engineering -- Research -- Georgia -- Atlanta. 3
Floppy disks. 3
Football players. 3
Handbooks. 3
∧ less...
Georgia Institute of Technology. History 90
Georgia Institute of Technology. Students 74
Georgia Institute of Technology. Sports 55
Georgia Institute of Technology 54
Georgia Institute of Technology. Alumni and alumnae 41
Georgia Institute of Technology. Faculty and Faculty Governance 40
Georgia Institute of Technology. Buildings 39
Georgia Institute of Technology. Football 38
Georgia Institute of Technology. Periodicals 36
Georgia Institute of Technology. Archives, Records Management, and Digital Curation 34
∨ more...
Georgia Institute of Technology. Societies, etc 29
Georgia School of Technology. Students 24
Georgia School of Technology 23
Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets (Football team) 23
Georgia Tech Athletic Association 21
Georgia Tech Alumni Association 20
Georgia Institute of Technology. Library 18
Georgia School of Technology. History 17
Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) 17
Alexander, William A. (William Anderson) 14
Dodd, Bobby 14
Georgia Institute of Technology. Traditions 14
Georgia Tech Athletic Association. Sports Information Office 14
Georgia Institute of Technology. Administration 13
Georgia Institute of Technology. Finance and Planning 11
Georgia Institute of Technology. Presidents 11
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering 10
Georgia School of Technology. Football 10
Griffin, George C. (George Clayton) 10
Olympic Games (26th : 1996 : Atlanta, Ga.) 10
Van Leer, Blake R. (Blake Ragsdale) 10
Brittain, M. L. (Marion Luther) 9
Bush-Brown, Gailey, and Heffernan (Architectural firm) 7
Georgia Institute of Technology. Basketball 7
Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Design 7
Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Physics 7
Pettit, Joseph M. (Joseph Mayo) 7
Weber, Paul M. 7
A. French Textile School 6
Coon, John Saylor 6
Georgia Institute of Technology. Baseball 6
Georgia Institute of Technology. Track and field 6
Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc 6
Hansen, Arthur G. 6
Heisman, John W. (John William) 6
Society of Women Engineers 6
Bush-Brown, Harold 5
Crecine, John P. 5
Crosland, Dorothy M. (Dorothy Murray) 5
Georgia Institute of Technology. Curricula 5
Georgia Institute of Technology. Naval Reserve Officer's Training Corps 5
Georgia Institute of Technology. Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students 5
Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 5
Matheson, Kenneth G. (Kenneth Gordon) 5
Alpha Tau Omega. Beta Iota Chapter (Georgia Institute of Technology) 4
Beard, W. Roane (William Roane) 4
Branch, T. P. (Thomas Pettus) 4
Carter, Jimmy 4
Drake, Miriam A. 4
Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Class of 1901 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Computing 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Cooperative Division 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. DramaTech Theatre 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Facilities Department 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Funds and scholarships 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Graduate Division 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Housing and Residence Life 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Institute Communications 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Office of the President 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Office of the Registrar 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. Public relations 4
Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Textile Engineering 4
Georgia School of Technology. Curricula 4
Georgia Tech Faculty Women's Club 4
Grenga, Helen E. (Helen Eva) 4
Harrison, Edwin D. 4
Heffernan, P. M. (Paul Malcolm) 4
Newman, Frances 4
Rose Bowl (Football game). History 4
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 4
University System of Georgia. Board of Regents 4
Unknown 4
WGST (Radio station : Atlanta, Ga.) 4
Caldwell, H. H. (Hugh Harris) 3
Clough, G. Wayne 3
Crenshaw, J. B. (John Bascom) 3
Culver, John P., Jr. 3
Dull, James E. (James Edward) 3
Elsas, Norman E. 3
Estes, J. Walter (James Walter) 3
Freeman, Y. Frank 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Alexander Memorial Coliseum 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. College of Engineering 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Committees 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Degrees 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Directories 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Engineering Extension Division 3
Georgia Institute of Technology. Planning 3
∧ less...
English 622
German 3
Abkhazian 1
French 1
Japanese 1
Latin 1